Markets and Measurement I
Materials for class on Monday, January 8, 2018
Download the slides from today’s lecture.

Game results
Additional references
Van Halen brown M&M contract rider:
Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster—from scratch
Public goods card game:
- Charles A. Holt and Susan K. Laury “Classroom Games: Voluntary Provision of a Public Good,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 11, nos. 4, Fall (1997): 209–15, doi:10.1257/jep.11.4.209.
2009 Spock and public goods (at 0:23)
Facebook and elections:
- Facebook experiment boosts US voter turnout
- How Facebook Could Skew an Election
- Facebook Had an Insane Effect on Voter Registration
The historical institutional consequences of waqfs in the economic development of the Middle East:
- Timur Kuran “Why the Middle East Is Economically Underdeveloped: Historical Mechanisms of Institutional Stagnation,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, nos. 3, Summer (2004): 71–90, doi:10.1257/0895330042162421.
- Timur Kuran The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011), doi:10.1515/9781400836017.