

Citations and bibliography

You can open the file in BibDesk on macOS, JabRef on Windows, or Zotero or Mendeley online.

You can download a BibTeX file of all the non-web-based readings in the course. I will update it periodically throughout the semester.

Things you should know for the first midterm

Markets and capitalism

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Important fomulas:

Helpful resources:

Decision making and utility maximization

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Helpful resources:

Social interactions, game theory, and behavioral economics

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Important fomulas:

Helpful resources:

Firms and labor

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Helpful resources:

Firms and customers

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Important fomulas:

Helpful resources:

Firms and markets

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Important graphs:


You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class:

Helpful resources:

Things you should know for the second midterm


You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class

Power and fairness

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class

Institutions and public goods problems

You should understand…

Games and simulations played in class